Database : Collection of related
information is stored in particular location is called database.
Database can be defined in 2 ways
Physical Database
Logical Database
Collection of all datafiles, online Redolog files, control files, and initialization parameter files.
Collection of all datafiles, online Redolog files, control files, and initialization parameter files.
The Following components are available in the
logical structure.
Database users
Database objects
Data Blocks
A database administrator can
use the Tablespaces to do the following:
* To control the user access by making it read only or read write.
* Control database size by adding/dropping Tablespaces.
* Assign specific space quota for database users.
* Control availability of data by taking individual Tablespaces online or offline.
* Perform online database backup or re.covery operations.
* Allocate data storage across devices to improve performance.
* To control the user access by making it read only or read write.
* Control database size by adding/dropping Tablespaces.
* Assign specific space quota for database users.
* Control availability of data by taking individual Tablespaces online or offline.
* Perform online database backup or re.covery operations.
* Allocate data storage across devices to improve performance.
Advantages of having different Tablespaces
* Separation of user data from data
dictionary data (which is in System Tablespace)
* Separation of one application data from another.
* Store different Tablespacesdatafiles on separate disk drives to reduce I/O contention
* Take individual Tablespacesoffine while others remain online.
* Backup individual Tablespaces leaving the rest to for user access.
* Separation of one application data from another.
* Store different Tablespacesdatafiles on separate disk drives to reduce I/O contention
* Take individual Tablespacesoffine while others remain online.
* Backup individual Tablespaces leaving the rest to for user access.
Database Users:
To access any
database we must require database users.thease users also called database
accounts or schemas for example sys and system these are system defined
database users.
Database Objects:
Anything is
created In the database user is called a object.Every database user can create
tables,views etc.
Segments: Collection of extents are called a
Extent: Collection of continues Data Blocks
are called a Extent.
Data Block:
Smallest part of
a tablespace is called a Data Block 8KB is the default Block size for Oracle
The following
Data Blocks are supported by Oracle [ 2k,4k,8k,16k &32k(1kb=1.024 bytes)]
Datafile: Physical storage area of the
database is called a datafile.
What is the relation between Tablespace &
tablespace should contain atleast one datafile.But datafile should not belongs
to two tablespaces.
Every database must contain the following Tablespaces:
1.System Tablespace
2.Sysaux Tablespace
3.User Tablespace
4.Undo Tablespace
5.Temporary Tablespace
6.Index Tablespace
By default all
tablespaces are available in online mode with read and write permissions.
Any tablespace
can be offline except system tablespace, Any tablespace can be dropped except
default tablespace. A tablespace can be offline or read-only. Whenever a
tablespace size is full we can add another datafile to the existing tablespace.
Oracle also provides to resizing the existing datafile. We can reuse unused
1.User Tablespace :-
This tablespace contain actual
data or permanent data.
2.Temporary Tablespace :- This tablespace contains temporary data.
ex:Sorting information
3.Undo Tablespace :-
Undo tablespace contain uncommitted data.
4.Index Tablespace :-
Index tablespace contain index tables.
Multiblock Environment :
In oracle 8i all
tablespaces should have 2k block size or 4k blocksize or 8k block size etc.But
from oracle 9i onwords every tablespace
can have individual block size.This feature provides maximum utilization of
Creation of big tablespace: This
feature is available from oracle 10g onwords.By using this feature we can
create a tablespace upto 8 terabyte size without this feature normal tablespace
can be created with size of maximum 2 terabytes.
Demo’s on Tablespace & Datafiles:
The following synatax is used to create a tablespace:
SQL>create tablespace users1
datafile ‘/u01/oradata/orcl/users1.dbf’ size 10m;
How to add a new data file in the existing tablespace:
SQL>alter tablespace users1
add datafile ‘/u01/oradata/orcl/user1_2.dbf’ size 10m;
How to resize a datafile:
A Datafile can be resized by
using following statement.
SQL>alter database datafile ‘/u01/oradata/orcl/user1_2.dbf’
resize 100m;
How to drop a tablespace:
A tablespace can be dropped by
using the following command.
SQL>drop tablespace users1;
Note: This command removes the
tablespace name from the Data Dictionary,but not deletes the datafile from the
How to reuse unused datafiles:
SQL>create tablespace users1
datafile ‘/u01/oradata/orcl/users1.dbf’ reuse;
SQL>alter tablespace users1
datafile ‘/u01/oradata/orcl/users1_2.dbf’ reuse;
SQL>select * from v$tablespace;
SQL>select name from
How to drop a tablespsace without contents:
SQL>drop tablespace users1;
$cd /u01/oradata/orcl
$ls –l
How to drop a tablespace including contents and datafiles:
SQL>drop tablespace users1 including
contents and datafiles;
SQL>select * from
SQL>select name from
This command drop tablespace name
and delete all datafiles of the tablespace from OS level.
How to set the default tablespace:
SQL>alter database default
tablespace users1;
Database altered.
SQL>set wrap off;
SQL>select * from
How to rename the tablespace :
SQL>alter tablespace user_PROD1
rename to demo_PROD;
SQL>select * from
How to create a bigfile tablespace :
SQL>create bigfile tablespace
datafile ‘/u01/PROD/userbigPROD.dbf’
size 100m;
How to create a tablespace with auto extent on :
SQL> create tablespace
user_auto_PROD datafile '/u01/PROD/userautoPROD.dbf' size 100m autoextend on
next 50m maxsize 1000m;
SQL> alter database datafile
'/u01/PROD/userautoPROD.dbf' autoextend on next 100m maxsize 2000m;
Auto extend off:
SQL>alter database datafile ‘/u01/PROD/userautoPROD.dbf’
autoextend off;
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